Monday, July 29, 2024

Konstanz Working Cafés #15: Kaffee Blende 8

Despite notionally being on research leave, I haven't been able to pursue my Monday café habit for a while. But here's a new one: Kaffee Blende 8.

Sunny courtyard.

This place hasn't been here for long. It's attached to the Leica gallery, which is some sort of paradise for camera hipsters. Advantages:
  • Location. Very close to Sternenplatz bus stop, and not far from the city centre, near No. 11.
  • Ambience. If you're not turned off by the black-and-white photos of photography hipsterness, this place is great. There's a lovely courtyard (pictured) where you can sit outside, in the sun or the shade. The inside is a thick-walled, high-ceilinged old building that's perfect for staying cool in the unpleasantly muggy Konstanz summer. Cooling drinks are available too...
An iced latte.
  • Wifi. The place has its own wifi! It just works!
  • Prices. Given the hipster vibes, I'd have expected more tbh.
  • (Torn. As I was writing this, Torn by Natalie Imbruglia came on, which is a banger.)
  • No savoury food. Only matters for work if you're long-hauling it, though.
  • Inattentive service. Despite at least three people serving, it took ages for any of them to notice me, and the place wasn't even particularly busy.
  • Few power sockets. You'd have to get very lucky with your table.
Price of a regular black coffee: €2.50 small, €3.50 large.

Overall rating: ☕️☕️☕️☕️ (something like 4.3/5).